Hand To Hand Helper

Frequently Asked Questions About Hand To Hand Helper

By The Owner of the program

Remember, Hand To Hand Helper is NOT a gifting program. It is a fund raising program similar to “GoFundMe!” My gifting you a $100 paid qualified position is possible since I own the program/company. No one else can gift you in thus it is not a cash-gifting program.

Q  What is meant by a free approach to Hand To Hand Helper?

A  I provide an option for more than just free enrollment in HTHH.  I provide a $100 “Paid For You” option that pays for your fund-receiving qualification at the $100 level.

Q  Why do you provide such a paid for you option?  Doesn’t that indicate that HTHH can’t stand on its own?

A  HTHH can definitely stand on its own due to the uniqueness of the payout structure where members don’t have to upgrade to get paid.  My providing a free approach option is just that.  It is an option.  I created this option because I keep seeing the rich getting richer off the poor who are getting poorer.  By offering a free approach option, it helps level the playing field IF the person, who is gifted in, is willing to work at it. It’s an opportunity!  Not a “done for you” program.

Q  If a free option is provided by everyone I sponsor and since they are qualified at the same $100 level as I am, how is it possible for me to make money?

A  Because of the uniqueness of the pay plan where you can earn money without upgrading, there are two ways you can make money with HTHH and the free approach.  

  1. When one of your downline members (even several levels down) upgrade to a higher level, you can receive funds.
  2. You can offer HTHH without the free option, thus receiving funds from the $100 level and higher.

Q  That sounds good, however why would anyone want to upgrade if they can make money without upgrading?

A  By upgrading, it maximizes your earnings in pool 2.  Rather than receiving only 20% of pool 2, there are those people who have money who will want to upgrade to higher levels to take full advantage of pool 2, even up to 100% of pool 2.

Q  That sounds amazing, but does that actually happen??

A  Absolutely!  There ARE people with money who see the potential of what HTHH has to offer.  Your flyer will eventually get in the hands of the right person at the right time.  I had a person who came in through the free approach and upgraded to the $80%/$1,000 level the next day.  Since I’m the owner and since I sponsored him, that was a quick $900 in my pocket. It does happen and although it may not happen every day, it does happen.

Q  Can I receive funding from several levels down?

A  Certainly!  Because all funding contributions are 100% funded out, you could receive funds from several levels down.  Let’s take this example.  Let’s say you sponsored Jim via the free option and Jim sponsored Ellen with the free option and then Ellen sponsored Robert at the free option and Robert sponsored Colleen at the free level but Colleen had the money to upgrade and wanted to take full advantage of pool 2 so she upgraded to the $2,000 level.  Colleen’s $2,000 contribution funded Robert 100% ($1,000) of pool 1 and 20% ($200) of pool 2.  That is a total of $1,200 for Robert.  That leaves $800 to go upline.  That means Robert’s  sponsor (Ellen) will receive 20% of $800 which would be $160.  That leaves $660 that goes upline to Ellen’s sponsor (Jim) of which he will receive 20% which would be $132.00.  That leaves $528 that goes to Jim’s sponsor which in this case is the company.  Yes!  The company can make profits as well, but not at the beginning like a lot of companies.  Also, just one person, in that particular line, who upgrades to $2,000 cuts off any upline payments from pool 2.

Q  Can I use the free option of HTHH and not work HTHH other than just bring people in?  If so, why should I?

A  Yes and for two reasons!  

(1)Even if you don’t work HTHH, it is possible someone you bring in will upgrade

 or have someone in their downline who upgrades as per my example above.

(2) Using the system as a lead generator.  These would be people who are looking for a way to make money and yes, some will be “freebie seekers” but others won’t.

Just because I may gift someone in at the $100 qualification level doesn’t mean the program is a gifting program.  It’s a fund-raising program similar to GoFundMe with a awesome “sharing with” others twist to it.

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